We create digital solutions that empower people , help small businesses and improve society.


About Us

Website development has come a long way since the first set of hyperlink web pages appeared on the internet in the early 90's. These digital platforms have now become major sources of information and key components of almost every institution's communication/outreach strategy.

The rise in popularity of websites during the course of the last decade necessitated investments of talent and capital in web related technologies and standards. With rapid improvements in and lowering cost of handheld devices, web standards are being constantly redefined to maintain pace with gadget manufacturers and to meet users' expectations as well. It is needless to say how easily people now turn to these "New Media" for news and general information as opposed to "Traditional" ones. The increase in online interactions, occasioned by the availability of affordable high-speed internet and bottom priced mobile devices, is unprecedented in Liberia and the world over.

Ten years ago, a well-developed website would have a table-based structure that fits in a fixed, predefined sized browser window and would most likely present static content intended for a mainframe computer. Nowadays, websites are smart applications that combine several technologies into few lines of code to present what we see on our phones, tablets and computers–thanks to the enhanced processing powers of our smart gadgets. Working on a web project requires a team that constantly follows updates and understands this constantly changing field.

OneKlick Incorporated, a modern web development company with proven expertise in graphic design, multimedia and web technologies, has the capability to deliver a cutting-edge web application that you or your entity needs. Founded as a subsidiary of two of Liberia's best IT firms (BlueSeas Web Designs Incorporated and Annex Technologies), OneKlick has combo of performed services and implemented projects that cannot be easily rivaled by any company of its size.

Unlike other web design/development companies, OneKlick is proud to have a development team with strong groundings in mass communications, new media, user experience engineering and media relations.

Our web development team delivers "Mobile-first" products, which fully integrate with leading social media platforms. In addition to meeting all modern standards, the sites we build have social media auto publishing capabilities, electronic newsletters (based on pack) for daily news summaries to which viewers/visitors can easily subscribe via a one-click process, section update notifications (again with subscription option), content syndication, responsive multimedia packaging (i.e. posting video news clips on YouTube channel and then embedding them on the site in a way that the clips are playable on all devices), moderated discussion forums (to give viewers the option to initiate discussion on any article on the website), plus many more standard features. Please see quotation page for a list of all features and services that we develop based on the pack that suits your needs and budget.



Top Floor, New Democrat Building
Clay Street, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa

Please Call Us for More Info

(+231) 0775 155 522

(+231) 0888 155 522

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All rights reserved.